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He was equal parts bully and charmer. Such a description could be equally applicable to Jair Bolsonaro, who maintains the devotion of his base by engaging in inflammatory rhetoric, reactionary policies, and racist dog-whistles — a behavior that echoes a cult mentality.

«В последние дни возникла ситуация, в которой я не могу продолжать работу в соответствии с нашими идеями на должности, которую я занимаю на данный момент.

.. The purpose of this checklist is to enhance compliance and adherence with the public health measures outlined in the recently-updated Considerations for... Download Read More 4 November 2020 Considerations for implementing and adjusting public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19

Это писали бразильцы или дикие обезьяны, которых там, как всем известно, много?

This case is all about creating a public sob story. There is pelo homophobic behaviour in Brazil. Those who die, 90% of homosexual deaths, they die in drug related situations, in prostitution, or even killed by their own partners.

Убежденный консерватор и антикоммунист Араужу обвинял Китай в распространении коронавируса, а правила социальной изоляции сравнивал с концентрационными лагерями в нацистской Германии.

Bolsonaro, being Bolsonaro, claimed that the media was overblowing the whole thing, both in regards to the Amazon fires[72] and the Pantanal fires[73] and the the indigenous populations were responsible for the fires just to make him look bad. As if he needed any help with that.

Nãeste se Têm a possibilidade de praticar este equilíbrio que norteia este jornalismo – ouvir “os dois lados” – quando numa ponta estãeste consensos globais e na outra, gritaria Mutação Covid19 do charlatães WhatsApp

That must rank amongst the strangest and most chilling encounters I've ever experienced. Bolsonaro is typical of homophobes I've met all over the world with their mantras that gays are out to take over society, recruit children or abuse them.

Fun fact, Petrobras became an increasingly lucrative company[17] during the years of Lula da Silva as president and had some Covid-19 rough years, like all Notícias do Brasil other oil companies in the second half of the 2010s.

While it is possible that they had nothing to do with the crime, the speed at which they and their lackeys responded, as well as the overall intentionally slow and faulty execution of the investigation, raises serious suspicions.

Cabo Delgado: Representante da ONU diz qual missão por paz ainda não se justifica Representante do secretário-geral da ONU diz qual resposta puramente militar É possibilitado a não ser a Ainda mais eficaz.

Во время работы в полиции Торрес занимался в основном борьбой с вооруженными преступными группировками и наркотрафиком.

When it comes to matters related to climate, democracy, human rights, to the equality of rights and duties between men and women, and many others, all we need to do is contemplate the truth, following John oito:32: - "An ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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